Dates for the Diary: Gala Week this year will run from Sat July 19 to Sat July 26th.
 As always if you’ve any suggestions, comments or would like to help with the organisation of this years events, please do get in touch at the usual address :
Monthly Archives: January 2008
Some more snow pics.
Snow, Snow, Snow-oh !
Not normally known as a snowbound town, Portaferry was seriously “snowed under” on Thursday afternoon. The main road was closed for a time and many people faced a long wait as they returned home from work, some even had to leave their cars and walk ! It was a really odd day weatherwise as lightning flashes crashed across the lough well into the night and the normally mild temp sat at -1 for most of the day.
I guess you know the festive season is over when the Square is quiet again, heading out to work at 5 this morning, I was walking to the car wondering what was different, then it struck me, the music from the Crib was gone for another year…. aw well….. back to the grindstone and all that !
Happy New Year !
Well, the Site Ed has had his annual chuckle at Miss Sophie and Poor Ole James the Butler (First Tip for 2008, Don’t ask – just Google “Dinner for One” if you’re really bored some time…..) and the Bells have rung in the New Year, well in Scotland, if not Portaferry.
Best wishes to everyone for the New Year and full steam ahead for Gala 2008. As always if you’ve any ideas or comments for this year, please do get in touch.