Mini Beasts Walking Trail

Mon 7th May, Kids Mini Beasts Nature Trail, Nugent’s Wood, 2-4pm.
Look out for the mini-beasts that make the area home and find out about the flora and fauna. £2.50 per child, children must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets available from Portaferry VIC, booking essential.

What are YOUR thoughts on Portaferry Gala?

It’s that time of year again when we remind everyone about the “Gala Feedback Form” – it’s on this site all year round and you can find it by clicking here and filling out the feedback form.
Are there events you would like to see lasting longer?
Are there events you feel are past their sell by date?
Are there events you would like to see take place in the future?

Please do have a think and fill out the form – it’s YOUR festival for YOUR town, so do have YOUR say.

Float Night 2018

As people are now aware, the bar owners, whose pubs provide the float attractions for the Portaferry Gala float parade, approached the Gala Committee about moving the Floats to Saturday afternoon. This request was submitted towards the end of last year at the Gala AGM. As a new committee was only being elected, they requested more information and time to discuss the matter.

The new Committee was again approached in January of this year, with the same proposal. The committee listened to the reasons for the change, discussions took place on the pros and cons of the move, but as the Pub Owners were determined to move to Saturday, the committee voted to go along with the request and support it.

However, following the EGM on Wednesday 4th of April, representation was made, on behalf of the same owners, to move the Float Parade back to Friday night. The new Directors voted to go along with this request, and so Float Night 2018 will now take place on Friday July 20th 2018.

We apologise to those who may have booked leave or accommodation, based on the published day of Saturday, but as the pubs do supply the floats, there was little the Directors of the Portaferry Gala Festival could do. The alternative would have been to cancel the event altogether.





Gala EGM

Over 70 people attended the Gala EGM in the Market House on April 4th. Following the election of a new board of Directors, by the members present, the new Directors have formally taken on the running of Portaferry Gala Festival. Thanks to everyone who attended tonight and for the interest show in Portaferry Gala Festival. The new Directors would like to sincerely thank all outgoing Officers for their dedication to Gala and for all their hard work over the 50th festival week.