Welcome to the ferry fm podcasting page. Here you’ll find various podcasts of items which have been broadcast on Portaferry’s Community Radio Station, ferry fm.
PlumTree Podcast Six – Halloween 2022
Do you believe in Ghosts? As the dark nights fall in and the clocks go back, Paul, Greg and John gather round the fireside and ponder if things really do go “bump in the night”
The Plum Tree Podcast Five
Spring has sprung, the Cider has been drunk and the guys are back in the green house musing on Chickens, Apples, Community Spirit and Greg’s triffids….
The Plum Tree Podcast Four
As autumn falls on the peninsula Greg, Paul and John are joined by James to muse over “harvest traditions” and what this time of year means to folk. Greg’s neighbours are also on hard to turn the apple harvest into something drinkable……
If you fancy trying the mentioned “Apple Bread”….
Grate Three Apples, then in a bowl in mix 1 teaspoon of Bicarb of Soda,1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 150g of self rasing floor, 150g of ground almonds, 100g raisins, 80mls of oil, 3 eggs, 4 tablespoons of honey.
Mix the above, then fold in the grated apple, pour into a flat, lined, baking tray and bake for 20-25 mins – top will be nice a golden.
The Plum Tree Podcast Three
Well, having chatted about food over the last two podcasts, John, Paul and Greg hosted a small outdoor supper for their “better halves” – what did they cook? How did the food go down? (What was it washed down with?) and more importantly, what did everyone think of it?
Listen on and find out….
Portaferry Men’s Shed Podcast Two
Connor and the guys from the Shed chat about Mental Health Week and the positive benefits being a member brings to them.
The Plum Tree Podcast Two
Yes, they’re back, this time hiding from the rain inside the green house, beside the Plum Tree. Chatting Food, Mental Health, Growing Your Own and anything else that takes their fancy….. If you would like to get in touch, you can email plumtree@ferryfm.com
If you fancy trying the rye bread Greg mentions, here are the instructions:
180 activated rye starter or sourdough in general 350 ml tepid water 3 table sp of stiff dark brown sugar 15 g sea salt 500g rye flour The night before whisk starter,water,sugar and salt until frothy, gradually add flour,Cover with cling film and put in fridge.Day 2Form a disc shape with the dough, place on baking sheet, cover with cling film and leave for 2 hours.Bake at 240 for 20 mins and then reduce to 200 for 30.
The Plum Tree Podcast One
Three blokes, sitting under a Plum Tree and chatting about “life the universe and, well getting on a bit”. (Their words, not ours 😉
Tiny Stories by Little People
The Tiny Stories podcasts are all part of the delivery of the Warm, Well & Connected Programme, administered through County Down Rural Community Network and are funded by the Department for Communities and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.
#warmwellconnected #portaferrypodcast #ourvillageourvoices
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Portaferry Men’s Shed
The above podcasts are part of the delivery of the Warm, Well & Connected Programme, administered through County Down Rural Community Network and are funded by the Department for Communities and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.
#warmwellconnected #portaferrypodcast #ourvillageourvoices
The Youth Loneliness series was produced for ferry fm by Sound Communities