3pm and the Po is on the move from Fiddlers Green to the Slip Inn, it’s new home for the next 12 months.
Click here for more pictures.
3pm and the Po is on the move from Fiddlers Green to the Slip Inn, it’s new home for the next 12 months.
Click here for more pictures.
Back with a vengence, the Slip Inn stole the PO tonight. The Clampets Rule OK.
Click here for pictures of the 2008 Gala Float Parade.
Another fantastic turnout on the square this afternoon !
Results and pictures are now on-line click here.
Ferry Fm is sponsored by Ards Borough Council’s Good Relations Officer, Jim Murdock, who took to the air waves on Friday morning, along with a group of American Exchange visitors who are spending the day in the town ! (Hello to the folks back home, by the way.) Jim also chatted to Hannah, from Portaferry Sports Centre about the various keep fit options available there.
Well, ok, so they didn’t sing that particular song, but hey, it was. The Chevy’s kept the square hopping for 2 hours on Wednesday night…hope they come back soon. For pictures, click here.
The Pet Show pictures are now on-line, click here. Results will follow soon.
A sunny afternoon in the square and the Bonny Babies and Cute Kiddies is well underway…
Due to a record number of visitors to the site (800+) over the last 24 hours, the website “fell over”, updates for Tuesdays events will appear as the day goes on.
Another packed night in the Square and another Flower of the County Down is picked to lead the Gala Float Parade on Friday night. This year winner is Nicole MaGee, pictured here with runners up Broke McClean, placed 2nd and Chole Coffey, placed 3rd.